Welcome to Suzy University where I teach you everything that you need to know about everything! This is not a real university, obviously I just made it up, but it’s gonna be a series of classes ~ taught by me ~ that reviews everything from music, to personal finance, to entrepreneurship. There are no exams in this school, no graded assignments, no homework, so relax, enjoy the videos, and go through all of these classes at whatever pace is comfortable for you. So get out your laptops, your iPads, your iPhone, what ever you have to watch videos and I’ll see ya in class! Oh and comment below what our mascot should be. We gotta have a mascot, and the weirder the better so comment away. 🤣 I’m thinking an elephant shrew?? lmao GO SHREWS!

Also, I want this “school” to be interactive. I want my students to teach ME and I want you guys to teach EACH OTHER. This is not meant to be just me talking at you guys. We are figuring all of this out together. We are finding answers to questions together. We are figuring out life and the world together as a team. This is meant to be a community where we can find answers and share answers, so think of it as we’re making the answer key to life together! I’m doing most of the heavy lifting, but I need YOUR help, to make this a blog that people can count on for answers to all of life’s most important questions. Like.. what the best ride is at Magic Kingdom.. and other very important questions like that. 🤣 Ok, that’s all for now, and I’ll see you in class (and hopefully the comments section)!
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